
8 Useful Tips for Marketing Digitally in 2018


According to Google, eighty percent of the consumers today rely on the web to find information and make decisions about what to buy. As digital marketing evolves, there are a lot of ways in which you can effectively market your business. In the modern world, the online presence of your business matters more than ever which is why it is imperative to carry out campaigns that make the best use of different digital advertising techniques. In this article, we will discuss some of the tips that you should incorporate into your marketing strategy for 2018.

1.Set Goals

Before you start planning for the coming year, it is important to determine what your digital marketing goals are. Build buyer personas and gather all information about your target audience, check if there is anything that needs to be updated or changed regarding the description of your target buyer. Having clearly specified goals will make the process ahead easier.


Blogging has become a very important lead generation tool in today’s digital world. For 2018,  we will recommend you to increase your blogging efforts to enhance the exposure of your business. With the help of blogging, your business can attain an identity which matters to consumers when deciding to purchase. Consumers are more likely to buy a brand that is perceived as being authentic. Moreover, by consistently increasing the number of blog posts associated with your business you can increase your website’s traffic.


SEO will continue to be an important element of gaining brand exposure.

This is because SEO significantly helps your business attract the target audience. However, in the world of SEO, there are constant changes taking place which is why it is essential to monitor the performance of your content regularly and determine whether the keywords are increasing the brand exposure or not. It is also useful to keep yourself updated regarding the difference changes in Google algorithm to ensure easy discovery of your brand by customers.

4.E-mail Marketing

Many people mistakenly believe that e-mail marketing has lost its effectiveness, however, in our opinion e-mail marketing still proves to be a highly customized, personal, and an efficient marketing tool. This is because no other tool can attract the attention of your target audience the way e-mail does. The customer engagement ability of an e-mail is much higher than other ways of marketing which is why we recommend you to revise your distribution efforts and work on delivering the right message to your target audience in a personalized manner.


With numerous social media platforms, businesses have become overwhelmed when it comes to digital marketing ideas. Hence, to simplify the process, it is recommended to set ROI metrics associated with the use of each social media platform. This will help you distinguish between those platforms that are producing results from those that aren’t.


6.Customer Engagement

All the platforms used when attempting to market your business should increase the customer engagement as much as possible. Marketing through social media platforms has given businesses an opportunity to interact with the customers like never before. Thus, it is not advisable to keep your efforts one sided only and carry out regular contests or make the website interactive in order to enhance customer engagement.


7.Call to Action

Moving on, every advertising effort that you put up needs to be followed by a clear call to action as this will greatly increase the chances of a complete and successful purchase. Call to action clearly specifies what the customer needs to do in order to benefit in a certain way.



Monitoring your web analytics will give you an idea about the performance of your business online. Hence, it is strongly recommended to use tools such as Google Analytics, Woopra, or Spring Metrics to find out what you need to do to improve the exposure of your business online.



With the introduction of numerous platforms, the marketer’s job can become completely overwhelming. Using the right tools to get the desired results is something that can only be learnt through experience. Plus, with fierce competition all around, you have no time to make mistakes since you are always at risk of losing your target customers. Planning your digital advertising strategy is essential to the success of your business. Incorporate the above-mentioned tips in your strategy for 2018 and make use of the dynamic nature of digital marketing.